Training Course name is YES FOR EVS – Training course for development of good quality in EVS projects and it is from 8-14 August 2016 in Leszno, Greater Poland, Poland.
This Training Course is for 32 participants from Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Spain, Turkey.
If you are EVS coordinator, who would like to develop EVS knowledge, we invite you for wonderful adventure! During EVS training we will speak about many EVS topics, you will have space to See EVS in action and meet new partners!
Training „Yes 4 EVS“ has been prepared in response to the needs of the staff, working with young people during the EVS projects from European countries, in terms organization, execution and implementation of the EVS projects.
The training aims to improve the quality of the projects that’s been realized by the project partners, increasing the amount of high-quality execution, increasing the amount and establishing partnerships, exchange of good practices and experiences related to European volunteering, generating new project ideas and developping joint solutions and share the problems and doubts in the implementation of international projects intranscultural environment and increase the level of information in methods of non-formal education (as a tool to build intercultural integration, intercultural dialogue and as a form of education of youth that supplements formal education).
By participating in the project, participants ( after completing the training) will be able to strengthen the capacity of their organizations, to internationalize their activities and to implement international projects with greater efficiency and effectiveness. This will strengthen communication and cooperation between organizations, new contacts will be established and the attitude of active European citizenship will be reinforced. Partners will jointly determine the schedule of workshops through consultation via Skype and Email- thanks to this project will respond more accurately to the demands – suggestions will be gathered, the most common problems and obstacles faced by organizations sending will be pointed and the areas of possible development will be pointed- we will explore all of it during the project activities.
Participants will take part in the workshops, the subject of which will inter alia: building partnerships and networking methods; networking; non-formal education; teamwork, to discuss the needs and problems related to the implementation and creation of EVS projects; strengthening international countries will be asked to present their culture by organizing cultural evenings); facilitation EVS projects; European Voluntary Service project management; financial management of projects; gathering adequate target group; EU mobility programs; to increase interpersonal skills and communication in the context of working in an international environment.
There will be 30 participants from 15 NGO’s, conducted by two coaches from Poland. Also – two co trainers will be provided by partners.
Training will be conducted by qualified trainers with experience in working on projects EVS from Poland. The coordinator of the project activities is the Fundacja Centrum Aktywności Twórczej from Leszno in Poland, where the training will take place. The training will last seven days, participants will be provided with all necessary facilities. The training will be held in English, training materials and a brochure, which will be released as a lasting effect of the project also will be executed in that language.
Contact for questions: Marlena Pujsza-Kunikowska E-Mail: Phone: 0048665480656
Deadline: 15 June 2016