Обучение на Erasmus+

Обучение „Erasmus+ Youth in Action“, 14 – 18 октомври 2019, Гърция Обучението предоставя възможност участниците да се запознаят с ползите от международения обмен и добиване на опит при неформалното обучение. За: Младежки работници, обучители и лидери, заинтересовани от проектите на Erasmus+. Краен срок:12 август 2019 г. Информаация от:http://youthub.bg/2019/07/obucheni...
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International training about diversity in society

Training Course is from 23 to 31 October 2016 in Zadar, Croatia. The project targets youth workers willing to promote and lead quality inclusion and intercultural dialogue in projects and who are willing to improve intercultural learning/dialogue in their organisations’ activities for a more inclusive society. This Training Course is for 31 participants from Bulgari...
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National Tool Fair in French Language

Conference on 28-30 September 2016  in Paris, France. French National Agency organise with the support of CNAJEP, French National Youth Council, the second Educational Tool Fair 28-30 Sept. in Paris, to collect and select tools which will be presented in the International Tool Fair in Malta 7-12 Nov 2016 The first fair in 2015 was the strong opportunity to meet,...
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Long-term training on visibility, dissemination and exploitation of results

Promote yourself! Long-term training on visibility, dissemination and exploitation of results (DEOR) within Erasmus+: Youth in Action projects The training Course is from 5 to 9 September 2016 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The aim of this long-term training is to offer support for the applicants and beneficiaries of the programme for successful planning and implementation of vis...
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Training course Erasmus

Training Course name is YES FOR EVS – Training course for development of good quality in EVS projects and it is from 8-14 August 2016 in Leszno, Greater Poland, Poland. This Training Course is for 32 participants from Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Spain, Turkey. If you are EVS coordinator, who would like to develop EVS knowledge, we invite you for wonder...
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Dialogue between public authorities and young people

DEMOCRACY RELOADED: Dialogue between public authorities and young people Training Course from 28 November to 4 December 2016 in Budapest, Hungary. Training Course aims to develop the necessary competences to efficiently plan, implement, sustain and reform local participative structures. The involvement of young people in developing youth policies and in decision ...
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Multilateral Training Course

Multilateral Training Course to support quality in youth worker mobility activities from 13 to19 November 2016 in Spain. TICTAC is targeted at voluntary and professional youth workers and youth leaders interested in using international cooperation to enhance their local development strategies, it supports designing quality Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme projects. ...
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Self-coaching for youth workers

Training Course - 10-19 July 2016 in Hollókő, Hungary. Changemaker is a skill and self-development training course using the Synergy Method to improve participants' competences as youth workers in order to become more efficient in their work and life and create their desired impact. Changemaker - self-coaching for youth workers and young social activists is a proj...
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SOHO – European Training Course for EVS Support People

Training Course (3-7 November 2016) in Portugal. SOHO aims at enhancing quality of EVS projects through development of essential competences of support persons. It also provides up-to-date information to its participants on the opportunities given by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme. The SOHO training course is designed for those who are directly involved i...
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Студентски обмен

НОВО: Проф. София Коради, от Италия, или както шеговито я наричат "Мама Еразъм", носителка на 10-та европейска награда „Карл V”, обсъжда  приноса на програмата „Еразъм“ за Европа и отговаря на въпросите на участниците от различни страни.        
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